ࡱ>  bjbj$$ 8F|F|EQ  bbbbbvvv8\ v0"<n$xzzzzzz$)Lb<<bb4" " " Fbbx" x" " "d`cah(RHvdɽ02'z''bt" X' (:  English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Sample Agenda I TC "Sample Agenda I" \f C \l "1"  School: Meeting Date: ___________ ItemsActionsNotes/ Follow-upWelcome and IntroductionsIntroduction of all present Review of sign-in procedures Review of AgendaBrief explanation of each item Requests for additional items Presentation of the Purposes of the ELAC*Review purposes Clarify as needed Presentation of the Duties of the ELAC Members*Review duties Clarify as needed Presentation of the ELAC School Responsibilities*Review responsibilities Clarify as needed Review of the Roles of the ELAC Officers* and Seek NominationsPresent the roles of the officers Seek nominations to constitute a viable group Explain election procedures to be used at the school: general election or ratification Hold Election of DELAC RepresentativeReview duties of DELAC representatives Request volunteers or take nominations Conduct election through secret ballot or acclamation Do a Needs Assessment Site EL Data Presentation Have the parents identify the schools needs Announce Future Meeting DatesProvide a calendar Set meeting date and times Other Items: Adjournment Announce when minutes will be available English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Sample Agenda II TC "Sample Agenda II" \f C \l "1"  School: Meeting Date: ___________ ItemsActionsNotes/Follow-upWelcome and IntroductionsIntroduction of all present, especially new participants Introduce elected officers and announce the results of the election Review of sign-in proceduresReview of AgendaBrief explanation of each item Request for additional itemsReceive Report from the DELAC RepresentativeRequest an oral report from the representative Provide copies of DELAC minutes Note items of interest for the representative to take back to the DELACReview of Schools ELAC BylawsReview basic points such as frequency of meetings, membership, duties Clarify as neededReview the School Programs for English LearnersReview the components of the Structured English Immersion and English Language Mainstream Classrooms Present special assistance provided for English learners at the school Clarify as neededOpen the Discussion for Questions on the Services ProvidedClarify as neededReview Reclassification Criteria and ProceduresReview criteria Review procedures Clarify as neededIncorporate a Presentation from the School Needs AssessmentsPresent on a topic that the parents identified as being a need for the school site Other Items:AdjournmentAnnounce when minutes will be available English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Sample Agenda III TC "Sample Agenda III" \f C \l "1"  School: Meeting Date: ___________ ItemsActionsNotes/Follow-upWelcome and IntroductionsIntroduction of all present, especially new participants Review of sign-in procedures Review of AgendaBrief explanation of each item Request for additional items Receive Report from the DELAC RepresentativeRequest an oral report from the representative Provide copies of DELAC minutes Note items of interest for the representative to take back to the DELAC Provide Information on Regular School Attendance Review the School Plan Objectives for English LearnersHighlight the plan objectives that address needs identified the previous year Review the EIA-LEP school budgetReview the Process for Developing the School Improvement PlanPresent timelines Announce dates and times of school meetings to develop the School Improvement Plan Describe ways that parents will have inputIncorporate a Presentation from the School Needs AssessmentsPresent on a topic that the parents identified as being a need for the school siteOther Items:  AdjournmentAnnounce when minutes will be available  English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Sample Agenda IV TC "Sample Agenda IV" \f C \l "1"  School: Meeting Date: ___________ ItemsActionsNotes/Follow-upWelcome and IntroductionsIntroduction of all present, especially new participants Review of sign-in procedures Review of AgendaBrief explanation of each item Request for additional items Receive Report from the DELAC RepresentativeRequest an oral report from the representative Provide copies of DELAC minutes Note items of interest for the representative to take back to the DELAC Presentation on the R-30 Language CensusReview the components of the census Share the local schools statistics for the year Update on the School Improvement Plan Objectives for English LearnersReview the plan objectives that address needs identified the previous year Request advice on changes in the objectives Review the EIA-LEP school budget requirements to support the objectives Report on plan timelines Planning for Next YearPropose timelines for meetings, elections, etc. for the following year Request advice on changes in meeting formats and information-sharing process Incorporate a Presentation from the School Needs AssessmentsOther Items: AdjournmentAnnounce when minutes will be available      PAGE  PAGE 4 English/ELAC Handbook. 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