ࡱ>  @ 'bjbjFF 9,,KTTTTTTThp\p\p\8\$\,hyh__(___`ZFa4za=ҁf$R3TLb``LbLbTT__43PePePeLbT_T_PeLbPePe;vTTw_^ p\b"ww I0y%wbJ$whhTTTTTwaaPea aaaahh-L0$,:ehhL0Human Resource Services Performance Evaluation of Classified Personnel(Confidential) Name: Date of Report (mm/dd/yy):Address: Social Security Number:Type of Evaluation: (Select One)Classification:  FORMCHECKBOX  Probationary, 1st RatingDepartment:  FORMCHECKBOX  Probationary, 2nd Rating FORMCHECKBOX  PermanentSchool/Office: FORMCHECKBOX  Special FORMCHECKBOX  Attached Improvement Plan (PSL-F102A)Instructions and Guidelines 1. This form is to be used as the official report of the performance evaluation for all classified personnel designated as non-management. Reports on probationary or permanent personnel are to be made twice during the probationary period. Probationers need not be evaluated if elected less than three months. The second evaluation report will be required 60 calendar days prior to the completion of the probationary period. Reports on permanent personnel shall be made in accordance with the Union Agreement. Additional reports on probationary or permanent personnel may be submitted by administrators responsible for evaluation at any time. They may also be required by the Associate Superintendent, Human Resource Services, and any administrator responsible for evaluation at such times as such additional reports are believed necessary or desirable for the improvement of performance (see Article XIV of the Union Agreement). Reports shall be forwarded through and reviewed by higher level supervisors as described in current administrative bulletins and shall be received in Human Resource Services not later than 15 days after the date of preparation. Whenever an item is marked Does Not Meet Expectations, specific written factual statements describing the deficiency and recommending corrective actions shall be made in the Comments section or on an attached sheet. The overall evaluation on the back page of this report is to be completed for all employees, but should not be completed until all specific items have been considered. Employees whose overall evaluation Does Not Meet Expectations must be so informed orally and in writing. A letter giving detailed reasons for the evaluation must be attached to all copies of this report. All employees are to sign the evaluation forms. If anyone is unwilling to do so, a witness shall certify that a copy was presented to the employee. Probationers do not have the right of appeal, but permanent personnel may appeal to the supervisor/administrator who completed the evaluation within 10 working days. The supervisor/administrator shall meet with the employee within 10 days in an attempt to resolve the appeal informally. If the employee is not satisfied with the result of the informal appeal, a written appeal may be filed to the Associate Superintendent, Human Resource Services, or designee; a final decision will be made 15working days from the date the appeal was filed. See Article XIV of the Union Agreement for regulations. Whenever there is a conflict between the above instructions and the Union Agreement, the latter shall prevail. 8. When this document is being used as a special evaluation, it must be noted as so, above in the section titled Type of Evaluation. A special evaluation that requires an Improvement Plan must have the Improvement Plan attached on the authorized form (PSL-F102A). The fact that an Improvement Plan is attached must be noted above by marking the appropriate box under the section titled, Types of Evaluation. Special evaluations can be used any time an employees supervisor feels such reports will lead to improved performance (see Article 14.4.2). When a special evaluation is used in this way, an Improvement Plan must be attached. Standards for the Evaluation of the Performance of Classified Personnel Quality and Quantity of WorkExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Work is accurate and complete.2. Takes pride in ones work.3. Meets time and work schedules.4. Performs assigned job tasks with precision and neatness.Comments:  Work HabitsExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Observes rules, regulations, and prescribed procedures.2. Organizes work efficiently.3. Exercises proper care of materials and property.4. Gives proper attention to details.5. Is self-reliant and resourceful.6. Develops logical methods and techniques.7. Is industrious, alert, and decisive.8. Can be relied upon to carry out assignments as directed.9. Is rarely late or absent, and never without valid reason.10. Does not abuse break or lunch periods.Comments:  AttitudesExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Is flexible and willing to seek and try new ideas and methods.2. Seeks/accepts assistance when needed.3. Willingly accepts and accomplishes responsibilities of the job.4. Respects the confidential nature of information with which entrusted.5. Seeks opportunities to improve oneself in ones work.6. Works respectfully, effectively, and courteously with:pupilspubliccolleaguessupervisorComments:  Personal Characteristics and AbilitiesExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Is well-groomed and appropriately dressed for ones work.2. Has the ability to perform the physical responsibilities of the job.Comments:  Note: Employees are to be evaluated on the following factors only when applicable. Supervisory and Administrative AbilityExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Recognizes that supervision is an essential aid to the improvement of performance.2. Helps those supervised to realize their potential.3. Is able to motivate those under ones supervision to work together harmoniously and effectively.4. Is aware of staff needs and takes steps to meet them.5. Evaluates the service of others honestly and accurately.6. Formulates objectives and plans, and organizes procedures effectively.7. Leads rather than directs, but directs when necessary.8. Enforces and executes, in a fair manner, board policies and admin-istrative regulations in spirit, as well as in fact.9. Delegates appropriate responsibility with necessary authority and encouragement.10. Works for the good of the entire system, not just ones unit or department.Comments:  Analytical AbilityExceeds Expectations (Explanation Needed)Meets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations (Explanation Needed)1. Is accurate, thorough, and complete in analyzing data, facts, policies, laws, and rules.2. Presents ones analyses in well-organized, understandable form.Comments:  Recommendations and Commendatory Remarks: (Required for any employee whose overall evaluation is marked with "Exceeds Expectations or Does Not Meet Expectations.)  Special Abilities (Optional):  Overall Evaluation: (A mark [X] in the appropriate box is required for all employees.) Exceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsDoes Not Meet Expectations FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  Recommendation: I recommend this employee be: RetainedReleased (Probationary)Dismissed (Permanent) FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  FORMCHECKBOX  Signed: , Evaluator(s) Print Name: Print Title:  Employee's Acknowledgment: This report has been reviewed and discussed with me, and I have received a copy of it. My signature does not necessarily signify agreement. Employee's Signature Date Witness's Verification: (To be used if employee is unwilling to sign.) I certify that a copy of this report was presented to the person named on the first page on: . Date Signature  STAPLE HERE 05/01/07, Rev. C PSL-F102 Page  PAGE 5 of  NUMPAGES 5 HIJY^_`opyz~      ! 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